With very small changes to the my previous posts you can read TRS1 feed from DNG.
Well if you remember my first post you will notice that my dwaOauth.js works just fine with DNG. So that little module gives you not only access to DWA protected resources but you can reuse it with DNG or other CLM servers.
Remember there were small changes done in order to make it working with most recent Node.js. You can read about those changes in my OSLC TRS listener.
DNG setup
You will need to prepare your DNG to provide TRS. Have a look at Register applications as TRS providers for the Lifecycle Query Engine in IBM Knowledge Center.Usually DNG is ready to provide TRS feed, all you need is to assign a license to user who would be used to read it.
Also you will need to check permissions on /lqe/web/admin/permissions
Now yow are ready to rad TRS from DOORS Next Generation.
Changes in trs.js
There are very little changes in function getChangelogFromDWA
> var previous = '/rm/trs';
< var previous = '/dwa/rm/trs/changelogs'
> if (previous == '/rm/trs') {
< if (previous == '/dwa/rm/trs/changelog') {
So we just changes the starting point for triple feed.
You probably will notice the difference in TRS changelog id in DNG feed. It ses uuid and it looks something like:
Thus we need to modify parseChangeLogs function parser:
async.whilst( function () { return rest != trs.nil && order > iLastOrder}, // get ordered list or changes function (next) { var o = store.find(rest, trs.first, null)[0]; if (typeof o !='undefined') { var timearr = o.object.split(':'); if (timearr[0] == 'urn') { // update order order = parseInt(n3.Util.getLiteralValue( store.find(o.object, trs.order, null)[0].object) ); idx++; // // DO SOMETHING USEFUL HERE // } rest = store.find(rest, trs.rest, null)[0].object; } else { rest = trs.nil; } next(); }, function (err) { console.log("read " + idx + " changelog items"); last(changes); });
DWA has change id has a useful format so one doesn't need further requests to gets some basic details of the change occurred but it is easy enough to write some callback functions getting changes from DNG. Of course one should not relay on format of the id as it is not standardized, defined nor promised not to change.
Well TRS is TRS ;) with little changes to my inital TRS posts you can consume DWA, DNG or even Bugzilla TRS feed. In near future I will explain how to modify this parser for TRS 2.0.
Stay tuned!
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